CPD for ESS: “Laparoscopic Skills: Managing Complications”
University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre (uOSSC)
Lead Faculty: Dr. Isabelle Raiche, General Surgeon
The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus
725 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, ON KlY 4M9
Sunday April 24th, 2022 (0830 to 1230pm)
This event has been certified for up to 12 Mainpro+® credits.
1. After this activity, attendees will know the principles of complication management during laparoscopic procedures, including definitive management vs damage control and transfer.
2. After this activity, attendees will be able to recognize and manage simple bowel injuries.
3. After this activity, attendees will be able to recognize and manage common sources of hemorrhage during laparoscopic surgery.
uOSSC – 5 stations set up with laparoscopic models, with 2 registered ESS physicians per station. This is a practical learning activity. The focus will be on hands-on technical skills. The technical skills at each station will be complemented with formal didactic instruction on etiology, prevention, recognition, and management of these injuries.
1. Bowel Injuries
a. recognition of injuries
b. running the bowel (laparoscopic and open)
c. bowel repair
i. principles of repair
1. simple closure vs wedge resection vs full resection
2. suturing and stapling
3. open anastomosis
ii. definitive management vs damage/infection control
2. Hemorrhage Control
a. abdominal wall (trochar injuries)
b. intra-abdominal
i. principles and techniques of control
ii. mesenteric bleeding
iii. bleeding during dissection/adhesiolysis
3. Decision-making in the rural ESS context
a. understanding one’s own skill set/scope/limits
b. involving surgical specialists in the regional network
c. post-operative considerations
d. definitive management vs damage control and transfer
The proctors will evaluate the participants during the activity and will provide feedback during and after the simulated activities.
The SRPC has arranged discounted hotel room rates. Please reserve by Sunday, March 20th, 2022. If you need to reserve a room after, you'll need to call the hotel directly, and the group rate will not be guaranteed.
Novotel Ottawa City Centre
Room rates start at $189
(6 min walk to Shaw Centre)
Book by phone at 1-855-677-3033
(Booking code 1020952)
33 Nicholas Street
Ottawa ON K1N 9M7
Online Booking here