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  • If you are hosting a rural relevant CME course and would like your event added to our calendar, please send us an email.
  • If you're interested in planning an event for the SRPC, we'd love to hear your ideas! Simply share your thoughts by completing this form

    • 20-Feb-2025
    • 8:00 PM
    • Zoom - The link will be in the confirmation email

    Dr. Chawla brings us "Wound Care Management: Common Myths & Mistakes" for the next Rural Reach Webinar.

    Please note, this is not an accredited event.
    Free for SRPC Members / $50 for General Admission

    Date: Thursday, February 20th
    Time: 8 PM (Eastern Time)
    [click to convert to your local time]
    Location: Zoom - The link will be in the confirmation email

    Can't make it live? No worries! The session will be recorded and shared with registered attendees. 


    Simple and Complex wounds are more frequent in medical practice than we realize.   Physicians are taught very little throughout medical school or residency.  This workshop presentation session breaks down a simplified approach to wound care and addresses common pitfalls in wound management.  The participant will walk away understanding the building blocks to managing simple or complex wounds in a clinical setting.


    • At the end of this workshop, the participant will gain a practical approach to simple and complex wound care.
    • By the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to recognize and apply appropriate dressings needed for specific wound types.
    • At the end of this session, participants will be able to identify and address common pitfalls that arise in wound care management.


    Dr. Punkuj Chawla provides wound care at Parkwood Hospital in the outpatient wound clinic in London, Ontario, where he see’s patients throughout Ontario, as well as a rural Procedure/Wound Clinic at Alexandra Hospital Ingersoll.  He was raised in rural Alberta and attended both University of Alberta for his undergraduate degree and University of Calgary for medical school.  Dr. Chawla completed his residency training in Family Medicine at Dalhousie University and took on additional training in 2008 in Enhances Procedural Skills and Wound Care and is certified with the IIWCC training in wound care. Dr. Chawla completed his residency training in Family Medicine at Dalhousie University and took on additional training in 2008 in Enhances Procedural Skills and Wound Care and is certified with the IIWCC training in wound care. Dr. Chawla is a practicing family physician Southwestern Ontario where he also works as a hospitalist and emergency room physician in a rural setting. He has a special focus practice designation for minor procedures and complex wound care.
    • 24-Apr-2025
    • 26-Apr-2025
    • Winnipeg, MB

    Full details regarding exhibit booths and sponsorship are available in the conference prospectus.

    Visit the RR2025 website for all the event details.

    If you have any questions, please contact Kristen - or 819-647-7054. 

    • Full payment is due 30 days after receipt of your registration form. All payments must be made in full by March 1, 2025

    • Bookings will be released for resale if full payment is not received within 30 days of submitting the application.

    • We will review your Registration/Invoice, (apply your deposit/discount if applicable) and send you the final invoice.

    • Deposits are non refundable.

    • 24-Apr-2025
    • 26-Apr-2025
    • Winnipeg, MB

    Registration Is Open!

    Join us in Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 24-26, 2025, at the RBC Convention Centre.

    Our theme this year is "Where the Rivers Meet: Building Bridges in Rural Medicine for a Brighter Future"

    *ACRRM Members, please inquire about special rates before registering. (

    Hotel & Travel Codes:

    Find booking links, hotel room blocks, travel discounts, and all essential details on the Rural and Remote Medicine Conference website:

    Your registration includes hot breakfast and lunch buffets, plus refreshment breaks to keep you fueled all day.

    Registration Options for Family and Non-Medical Partners


    Thursday, April 24; Friday, April 25; and Saturday, April 26—features breakout sessions and workshops from 8 AM to 5 PM with optional evening socials each night. 

    Visit the conference website to get the updated R&R Program.

    Review the SRPC Cancellation Policy

    Recruiters, Exhibitors, and Sponsors Registration

    Are you looking to secure a booth in the exhibit hall? We have space for you. Come and Discover a World of Opportunities as an Exhibitor.

    • 31-Dec-2025
    • Ongoing - all year

    Program Description

    The SRPC mentorship program is a pilot program that started in 2021 and aims to connect medical students to rural physicians and residents from across the country to allow career exploration, guidance and increased understanding of the scope of rural practice.  We have over 65 mentors ready to help support your rural path.


    • Connecting students to rural physicians across Canada
    • Career exploration and guidance
    • Increase understanding of the scope of rural practice
    • Provide learning opportunities outside of the formal academic environment
    • Contribute to the current and growing need of rural physicians in Canada

    Your Role As a Mentor

    As a mentor with SRPC, medical students will connect with you through the SRPC office manager. Once you are connected, there will be flexibility in how you set up your mentor-mentee relationships, which can be tailored on an individual basis. This may include answering a few quick questions, setting up a longitudinal mentorship plan, or organizing shadowing experiences (public health guidelines permitting).

    Expectations in your role as a mentor may include:

    • Sharing experiences of rural practice with mentees for the purpose of career exploration and guidance
    • Being honest and open regarding the rewards/challenges to rural medicine
    • Forming a plan and setting expectations with your mentee regarding frequency of meetings and meeting platform to be used
    • Sharing appropriate resources
    • Recognizing that advice given, while extremely valuable, does not substitute for MD program-specific mentorship and supports

    * By registering as a mentor for this program, you consent to allowing the SRPC to share the information you have provided to mentees that register for the program.  As a mentor, you may contact the SRPC at any time and have your name removed.

    ** Mentors must be SRPC members to participate in this program.


    If you are looking for a Rural Mentor. Visit the SRPC Mentor Program page for all the details.

    Please ensure your SRPC membership is up to date. Send your email request to Kristen for a list of mentors and instructions. (

    Mentees Must be SRPC members to participate in this program.
    (Join here)

Past Events

04-Feb-2025 Rural Reach Webinar - Tick Talk You Don't Stop
25-Jan-2025 Rural Surgical Skills Conference
23-Jan-2025 Rural Reach Webinar - Lab Tests We Regret: When Less is More
12-Jan-2025 SRPC's Virtual Rural Residency Tour
12-Dec-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - I'm Shocked, I Tell You: A Common Sense Approach to Shock
29-Nov-2024 Mini Rural & Remote Medicine Conference
29-Nov-2024 Mini Rural & Remote 2024 - Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration
24-Oct-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - I'm feeling gassed: A common sense approach to shortness of breath
22-Oct-2024 SRPC's Virtual Orientation: Exploring Rural Residency
10-Oct-2024 International Medical Graduate (IMG) Personal Statement/letter Workshop for CaRMs
30-Sep-2024 Call for Abstracts - Rural & Remote 2025
24-Sep-2024 Indigenous Health Educational Series - Working With Patients Who Are Using Traditional Medicine
03-Sep-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - Management of Cold Injuries & Emergencies in the Rural ED
22-Aug-2024 International Medical Graduate (IMG) CV Building Workshop
04-Aug-2024 Call for Research Abstracts - Rural & Remote 2025
01-Aug-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - Performance Under Pressure
18-Jul-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - Unusual Papers That Might Change Your Practice
27-Jun-2024 Call for Abstracts - Mini Rural & Remote 2024
29-May-2024 Rural Reach Webinar - Anxiety, Behaviours in Dementia and Social Isolation and Loneliness among Older Adults: Highlights from Three New Canadian Clinical Guidelines
18-Apr-2024 Hands-On Workshops - R&R 2024
18-Apr-2024 31st Annual Rural & Remote Medicine Conference
18-Apr-2024 Rural & Remote 2024 - Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration
28-Mar-2024 CaRMs 2nd Iteration Workshop for International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
28-Feb-2024 Managing Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) for Emergency and Urgent Care Clinicians
20-Feb-2024 2024 Exhibitors R&R App Sign Up
30-Jan-2024 Indigenous Health Educational Series
07-Jan-2024 SRPC's Virtual Rural Residency Tour
29-Nov-2023 International Medical Graduates (IMG) Guide to CaRMS and Rural Residency
28-Nov-2023 Indigenous Health Educational Series
19-Nov-2023 What Is R&R and Why Should I Attend?
30-Oct-2023 Indigenous Health Educational Series
10-Oct-2023 All Over the Map. The SRPC Global Health Series
28-Sep-2023 Indigenous Health Educational Series
18-Sep-2023 Call for Research Abstracts - Rural & Remote 2024
18-May-2023 Supporting Transgender Medical Trainees in a Rural Context
20-Apr-2023 Hands-on Workshops for R&R 2023
09-Feb-2023 What is R&R? Info-session 2.
06-Feb-2023 What is R&R? Info-session 1.
04-Feb-2023 SRPC's Virtual Rural Residency Tour
01-Feb-2023 National Advanced Skills and Training Program for Rural Practice Application
18-Jan-2023 Rural Surgical Skills Update
24-Apr-2022 SIMS for ESS
21-Apr-2022 Hands-on Workshops for R&R 2022
02-Mar-2022 SRPC’s Rural Research Peer Support Group
20-Sep-2021 Indigenous Health Educational Series
24-Feb-2021 Indigenous Health Educational Series
15-Dec-2020 Indigenous Health Educational Series
25-Apr-2020 Sims for ESS - Cancelled
15-Jan-2020 CPD for ESS / OSS
15-Jan-2020 SOS for PPH - Surgical Obstetrical Skills for Post Partum Hemorrhage
17-Jan-2018 Enhanced Surgical Skills Program